Community Foundation contributes $50,000 to County for Paris Mountain Park Expansion.

For Immediate Release

November 10, 2022

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Greenville County, SC - The Greenville County Historic and Natural Resources Trust (the Trust) is excited to announce the receipt of a $50,000 contribution by the Community Foundation of Greenville in support of the Paris Mountain State Park expansion project.

The gift made by the Foundation will go towards the 146-acre purchase of Shiloh Ridge Property by Naturaland Trust, which will become part of a 270-acre addition to Paris Mountain State Park. The park currently hosts about half a million visitors annually.

The Paris Mountain addition pushes the total of lands purchased with county support to 566 acres using a Trust investment of $853,500 against a total of nearly $6 million in real estate value.  The $50,000 gift from the Community Foundation of Greenville is the first non-county contribution made directly to the Trust.

“We are so appreciative that the organization that has for more than 65 years strategically worked to match philanthropic giving with the diverse needs of Greater Greenville saw the importance of joining the Trust in making the Shiloh Ridge addition to Greenville’s “urban” State Park a reality.  The Community Foundation’s gift is akin to the “Good Housekeeping Seal of Approval” of our work,” said Trust Chairman Carlton Owen.

The Trust, now its second year, protected 420 acres of land for parks and natural heritage sites along with one historical structure in its first year. The Shiloh Ridge project is the sixth completed project by the Trust, for a total of almost $6 million invested into the County. For each $1 invested by Greenville County, between $2 and $15 per project have come back into Greenville County, for a current average of more than $6 per Greenville County Dollar in funding from other entities supporting these legacy projects.

The Trust advances Greenville County's Comprehensive Plan and its vision to sustain "a community where innovation and opportunity meet natural beauty and unrivaled quality of life" by protecting some of the most important historical sites and natural places that make Greenville County one of the nation's most desirable and fastest-growing counties.

For more information on Greenville County Historic and Natural Resources Trust, visit


Press Contact:

Alex Reynolds

Communications Committee Chair, Trust Board Member from County Council District 20


An image of the check presentation is attached; individuals from left to right:

  1. Nicole Wood, Assistant County Administrator, Greenville County

  2. Meredith Papapieris, Director, Grants & Special Projects, Greenville County

  3. Joseph Kernell, County Administrator, Greenville County

  4. Robert W. (Bob) Morris, President, Community Foundation of Greenville

  5. Carlton N. Owen, Chairman, Greenville County Historic and Natural Resources Trust


2022 Annual Report