River Falls

This project was previously known as Project 006.

River Falls is 170.9 acres and adjoins Naturaland Trust property, which connects to Jones Gap. The property contains a striking and mature hardwood forest, headwater streams, bottomland, and frontage on the Middle Saluda—all of the facets that inspired and led to the protection of Jones Gap State Park. Additionally, the property contains a mile of frontage on River Falls Road.

By broadening the park’s boundaries and offering diverse ways to access the ridgelines, waterfalls, and river, we can expand public access to include more people, and spread across a larger area.

Grant Request: $100,000

Total Project Value (TPV): $1,580,000

TPV + Additional Real Estate Value: $1,580,000

Leverage Ratio: $14.80 of external money to every $1.00 the Trust has invested

Size of Property: 170.9 acres

Type of Project: Natural Resource

Acquisition Type: Fee Simple Purchase

Applicant: Naturaland Trust

County Council District: 17


Piedmont YWCA 1908